Membrane Cleaning
Resin Regeneration
Our membrane cleaning and resin regeneration facility center is located in Bangpoo Industrial Estates which we have acquired the factory license no. 106 since 2003 permitting to us for processing for membrane cleaning and resin regeneration in accordance with the regulations of Department of Industrial Work and Ministry of Industry. Therefore, we can assure our customers that with this license, we comply with the regulations and laws as well as environmental concerns and last but not least, we always highly keep our commitment to the quality of services provided to our customers.
Membrane Cleaning

To extend the useful life of membrane by regularly cleaning it, we understand that it helps to save the operating expense of your water treatment systems.
With extensive experience, we have applied good practice of cleaning membrane to ensure that membranes are effectively cleaned and you can prolong the useful life expectancy of your membrane.
Resin Regeneration

Resin plays an important part of water treatment systems and to keep your systems working functionally and appropriately as it should be, the process of resin regeneration is a key.
Our facility center are equipped with the method and systems of resin regeneration process and if it is requested by customer, our laboratory can examine the total capacity of the resin and report the efficiency remained. Therefore, with our lab analysis report, we can provide the advice for your further consideration.